Índice de materias

Este es el índice general de asignaturas, donde encontrarás el listado de todas ellas. Pulsa sobre cada una de ellas para que se muestre su índice particular:

Textos Griegos I
This lightweight (1.2 KB) JavaScript accordion can easily be customized to integrate with any website. For more information visit leigeber.com.
Textos Latinos I
To initialize an accordion use the following code: var mySlider=new accordion.slider("mySlider"); mySlider.init("slider",0,"open"); The init function takes 3 parameters: the id of the "dl", the location of the initially expanded section (optional) and the class for the active header (optional).
Lengua Española
This script is provided as-is with no warranty or guarantee. It is available at no cost for any project, non-commercial or commercial. Paid support is available by clicking here.
This lightweight (1.2 KB) JavaScript accordion can easily be customized to integrate with any website. For more information visit leigeber.com.
Otros Contenidos
This lightweight (1.2 KB) JavaScript accordion can easily be customized to integrate with any website. For more information visit leigeber.com.